How To Avoid Hemorrhoids

Piles, otherwise known as hemorrhoids are painful, itchy or bleeding masses of swollen tissues near the anus and rectum area. Fortunately there is simple piles home treatment without the need for surgery to completely cure this irritating condition.

There is another treatment that is carried out with mango seeds. Many naturopaths use this kind of remedy. In this process, seed are first dehydrated and then they are crushed to power after that the powder is stored for later use. It should be noted that the naturopaths suggests 1 and half grams twice a day. You can also utilize honey with if you feel its need. This is the most accepted and successful way of dealing piles.

Effective piles treatment lies in this. Fruits and vegetable should always be included in your diet. Unlike the common belief that water is the remedy for constipation, vegetables are best. Green leafy vegetable are known to make the stool soft hence easy passing. It is also the best remedy for constipation. Fruits that are juicy and watery are the best. They nourish your body and are a good source of fluids for the body. Fruits and vegetable are very rich in fiber which is good for easing the effects of piles or better still, preventing the condition.

It has always been said the prevention is better than cure. This rule or slogan also applies for piles remedies. Piles can be prevented and this is a better approach than curing it. Curing piles is a waste of energy and money. To treat piles, it is generally advised to blot the anal area with wet tissue paper. Be careful not to rub it because you will only aggravate the hemorrhoid.

They are more common Diet in piles pregnancy for various reasons. As your Uterus puts pressure on the veins in your pelvis, it also puts pressure on a large vein on the right hand side of the body that services blood flow from your legs. This slows up the return of blood from your legs, increasing pressure on the veins below your uterus. This can cause them to become swollen.

In addition, in piles condition our body shows certain symptoms. These symptoms may help a person to determine if he is suffering from piles condition. The prime symptom of piles condition is bleeding, while or at the end of bowel movements. Sometimes, blood may also be noticed on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. The bleeding is caused due to dilation of veins in rectum. Secondly, a person may also notice a soft check here and spongy lump on the anus. This soft lump works as a sealant to keep mucus and faeces inside the anal canal. Finally, one can also feel an urge to pass stools, even after stools are completely defecated. These are some symptoms of piles condition. Natural remedies are very effective in the process of piles treatment. Some of the remedies are discussed ahead.

What causes these veins in the rectal area to become irritated and swollen, enough to develop into hemorrhoids? Pressure on the pelvic region is always the cause. It could be because you live a stagnant lifestyle, with very minimal physical activity. It could be that you are pregnant and your baby is putting pressure on your large intestines. Ok, so you are fed up with your embarrassing problem and want a cure for piles - well read on.

You feel a lump around your anus is a common symptom of external hemorrhoids. You're able to see it and feel it. There is pain and itching. Another common symptom of piles is bleeding. Make sure to speak with your doctor if you have this symptom. It is also a symptom of colon cancer, and other digestive diseases.

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